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Photonic crystal TWPA

The Argo

The Argo - Silent Waves photonic crystal TWPA

The Argo is our first traveling wave parametric amplifier. Besides its high bandwidth and low added noise, the Argo is easy to install and immune to flux-noise, making it suitable for use in applications involving magnetic fields. In order to reach high gain over such a large bandwidth, we introduce a photonic gap in the dispersion relation. This translates in a gap of about 0.4 GHz in the gain figure. We can customize this gap to optimize the amplifier for your desired frequencies. The Argo does not require a DC current source and is powered by a microwave source, offering convenience and versatility.

Typical gain

>15 dB


2 GHz

Saturation power

-100 dBm

(at 20 dB)

Near quantum limited

<1K noise
at maximum gain
In order to achieve high-gain across a bandwidth exceeding 2 GHz, phase-matching between the pump, the signal and the idler is required. To satisfy this condition, we introduce a feature in the dispersion relation — a photonic gap engineered by spatially modulating the Josephson junctions.
Silent Waves TWPA

The product

  • Low pump power
  • Flux insensitive
  • No magnetic bias
  • SMA connectors
  • 50 Ω matched
  • Plug & play
The amplifier is powered by a microwave source and does not require DC biasing.


  • Standard gap frequency position between 6 and 7 GHz.
  • Gap frequency position is customizable upon request between 4 and 8 GHz.


  • Full characterization performed at 20 mK.
  • Report of the characterization sent before shipment of the product.

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